Examinator-Pro™ offers product and test engineers everything they need to characterize new ICs and test programs, quickly ramp up production at OSATs and identify and diagnose yield excursions. Examinator-Pro turns standard test data files like STDF, ATDF, PCM and 100+ other formats into comprehensive reports, and enables you to drill down into the data interactively for root-cause analysis.
It provides powerful productivity features for multi-variable corner-case characterization, accelerated life testing and fast, flexible queries on huge datasets stored in a test data repository. Examinator-Pro also serves as a client for Yield-Man™, providing the same user interface for file-based and RDB-based analysis.
Typical Examinator-Pro applications include:
- Advanced device characterization and reliability analysis
- Test program prove-in/limit tuning
- Tester, load-board correlation studies
- Test time optimization
- Subcontractor qualification
- Root cause analysis for yield issues

User surveys indicate that customers find exceptional value in Examinator-Pro because it’s:
Creates all the popular reports simultaneously for a quick overview of the data.
Easy to use
Enables immediate productivity without any training.
Supports a broad range of data formats and usable from early characterization to large-scale production.
Compatible with Yield-Man and PAT-Man™ for high volume production yield and quality management.